






North Pole Designs

The Claus Couture Collection elf clothing is designed by Mrs. Claus and hand-crafted at the North Pole. Help your Scout Elf show off their personality with these unique designs!

Polar Picks

Whether your elf loves to cozy up by a warm fire, or enjoys dressing up for the Blizzard Ball, these designs are sure to please fashion-savvy Scout Elves!

The Elf on the Shelf: A Christmas Tradition

The Claus Couture line has been exclusively designed for use with The Elf on the Shelf Scout Elves, Santas special helpers sent to track Christmas Spirit and delight children each holiday season. Each Scout Elf comes with an illustrated storybook that explains how to share this beloved tradition in your family.

Elf On The Shelf Girl (Brown Eyed Girl) with Claus Couture Collection Candy Cane Classic Dress Elf On The Shelf Scout Boy (Brown Eyed Boy) with Karate Kicks Set Bundle Elf on The Shelf Scout Girl(Blue Eyed Girl) with Claus Couture Collection Wonderland Onesie Elf On The Shelf Scout Girl (Brown Eyed Girl) with Magifreez Rainbow Snow Pixie
Elf On The Shelf Girl (Brown Eyed Girl) with Candy Cane Classic Dress Elf On The Shelf Scout Boy (Brown Eyed Boy) with Karate Kicks Set Bundle Elf on The Shelf Scout Girl(Blue Eyed Girl) with Wonderland Onesie Elf On The Shelf Scout Girl (Brown Eyed Girl) with Magifreez Rainbow Snow Pixie
Customer Reviews
4.6 out of 5 stars
4.8 out of 5 stars
4.8 out of 5 stars
Price ? ? $35.00 ?
Outfit Gender Girl Boy Unisex Girl
Bundle ? ? ? ?
Age Range 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+