
●All 32 pieces from both expansions fit into the tray.
●The lid holds the building costs card from Explorers & Pirates. No more wear and tear on the card.
●You no longer have to count all the individual pieces. You dont need those annoying little baggies to stuff the pieces into.
●Goes great with the trays from the Simit3DPrints organiser or Catan/Seafarers which has player trays for the base game, Seafararers, and Cities & Knights.
●They fit into the box, and you dont have to worry about the pieces getting loose, no matter how you store the box.


This tray holds the player pieces for the Catan expansions, Traders & Barbarians and Explorers & Pirates. Each 3D printed player tray holds 6 knights, 3 bridges, 1 wagon, 4 harbor settlements, 9 crews, 3 ships, 2 settlers, 3 markers and 1 pirate ship. The lid holds everything securely, and also holds the building costs card.