
●Plan Ahead: Before spinning the action and number spinners, take a moment to analyze the current board state and consider your potential moves. Think about how you can use the walls to your advantage by "bouncing" off them to reach desired spaces or to avoid landing on trap door spaces.
●Strategic Blocking: Use your character pieces to strategically block your opponents movements. Position your pieces in a way that makes it difficult for your opponent to retrieve their captured flags. However, be mindful of the two-turn stacking limit and ensure you dont leave your own pieces vulnerable to being removed from gameplay.
●Seize Opportunities: Always be on the lookout for opportunities to retrieve your flags from your opponents characters. If an opponents character holding your flag is within reach, prioritize landing on that space to regain possession of your flag. Remember, you can only retrieve your flag by landing directly on the opponents character, not by jumping over them.
●Anticipate Trap Doors: Pay close attention to the position of the trap door drawers and anticipate which spaces may become traps during your opponents turn. Try to position your characters on safe spaces or plan your moves to minimize the risk of falling through a trap door.
●Balance Offense and Defense: Strike a balance between capturing your opponents flags and protecting your own. Dont focus solely on offense, as leaving your castle unguarded can make it easier for your opponent to capture your flags. Adapt your strategy based on the current game state and your opponents moves.Remember, strategy is key, and every move can lead you closer to victory or defeat. Enjoy your conquest!


Rule Variations & Tips:
Permanent Elimination (Advanced Players): In this challenging variant, characters that fall through trap doors are permanently removed from the game and do not return to their castle. If all of a players character pieces are eliminated, the game ends, and the other player is declared the winner. This variation adds a higher level of strategy and risk to the game.
Exact Steps: For a more strategic gameplay experience, players must move their character piece the exact number of spaces indicated by the number spinner. If a player cannot make a valid move with the exact number of spaces, they must forfeit their turn, and the next player takes their spin. This variation encourages players to think carefully about their character placement and anticipate future moves.
Custom Trap Door Order: Before starting the game, players engage in a face-off spin using the number spinner. The player with the highest number gets to decide the order of the trap door drawers, rearranging them from 1 to 6 as they see fit. This variation allows players to strategically place the trap doors, potentially favoring their game plan or making it more challenging for their opponent.

1 Game Board with 6 Pull-out Trap Doors
2 Castles, each with 3 Doorways
12 Character Pieces (6 per player)
12 Flags (6 per player)
2 Spinners (1 for step count, 1 for actions)
Objective: The goal of Castle Capture is to be the first player to capture all six of your opponents flags and return them to your castle.