
●Manufacturer: Arcus Colors (Ukraine)
●Paints for plastic models kit
●Volume, ml: 10
●Condition: New in Box


Manufacturer: Arcus Colors
Condition: New in Box
Volume, ml: 10
MAP Night Guide:
MAP Night paint was made with carbon and ultramarine pigments, giving it a dark black and blue color.
The Temperate Land camouflage scheme of Dark Green and Dark Earth, widely used to paint RAF aircraft in 1938-1940, called for Night to be used for the port side under surfaces, while the starboard side was to be painted white.
MAP Special Night color was used to paint the undersurfaces of British night-operating aircraft during World War II. RAF night fighters were entirely painted in Special Night in 1940-1943.
From mid-1942, British-built aircraft got their cockpits painted with Night, at least the upper parts. Spitfires had Grey-Green cockpits until the end of World War II. After WWII, Spitfires also received Night-painted cockpits.
Night was used extensively for painting propellers and spinners, markings, stencils, etc on WW2 RAF/FAA aircraft.
British aircraft delivered to the USSR under the Lend-Lease program usually retained their original camouflage. This also applied to the night painting of the undersides of the aircraft, which kept its original MAP color.
MAP Night was used to paint the undersides of RAF bombers that were to be sent to the Pacific for operations against Japan (the so-called Tiger Forces). This camouflage was originally intended to use white to paint the upper surfaces. White was later replaced with Medium Sea Grey.
MAP Night, then BS 642 Night was used to paint radomes, radio transparent parts, tail fins, and anti-glare panels on RAF and FAA aircraft after World War II until 1990.
BS 642 Night was widely used to paint aircraft cockpits until the 1960s when it was replaced by BS 632 Dark Admiralty Grey for this purpose.
BS 642 Night, like its predecessor MAP Night, was used extensively for markings and stencils on RAF and FAA aircraft after WW2.
WW2 RAF Aircraft
WW2 FAA Aircraft
WW2 Red Army Aircraft
Modern RAF
Modern FAA
Paint Type:
Acrylic A360s
Enamel E360s
Paint Finish:
10ml. (0.33oz)