
●The spiral needle has a twist into a spiral shape, makes each stroke much more efficient. Speed up felting time with a spiral needle, both felts and twists the fibers with each punch, making your felted projects go much more quickly.
●SIZE 38 felting needles: a medium sized needle for all-around work.
●Pack of 5 spirally twisted triangular point needles. SAVE: buy this needle in bulk packs of 20!
●BULK PACK AND OTHER SIZES AVAILABLE - click "Weir Crafts" at top of listing, then "felting needles and tools" section, to see all options.
●In the white picture, Spiral needle is the middle needle, in between a star point and a tri point.


The spiral needle has a twist into a spiral shape, makes each stroke much more efficient. Speed up felting time with a spiral needle, both felts and twists the fibers with each punch, making your felted projects go much more quickly.