Feature(may vary by option.)

●1. Ultra thermal putty is a high quality gummy / sticky thermal paste designed for use on memory chips and GPUs of various computers.
●2. Ultra thermal putty can replace soft thermal pads that are used on computers (up to 3mm thick)
●3. Ultra thermal putty has thermal conductivity K>16.8 W/m.K (at least 3 times higher than common thermal pads that are used on computers and comercial electronics)
●4. Ultra thermal putty is applied very easily directly on the component and has no electrical conductivity. It can be heated up to 250 degrees (Celcium) and has a long operational life time




Applications *Automotive Electronic Control Units *Heat sink, Memory modules *LED Lighting, LCD-TV *Military Electronics *Power Supplies *Telecom services *Wireless instruments *Automotive control services