Feature(may vary by option.)

●You choice of set makeup and flex
●Amazing Dynamic Gold performance, but not too light and not too heavy.
●Not too low launching and not too high launching.
●A stiff midsection combined with an active tip promotes an increase in launch height and spin (vs. Dynamic Gold).
●Designed for golfers with a moderate tempo that want medium trajectory and medium spin.


The Dynamic Gold Mid shafts will put you in the "Goldilocks Zone". We think you may find that this the perfect shaft. Amazing Dynamic Gold performance, but not too light and not too heavy. Not too low launching and not too high launching. A stiff midsection combined with an active tip promotes an increase in launch height and spin (vs. Dynamic Gold).

Designed for golfers with a moderate tempo that want medium trajectory and medium spin. Sharp black label.

We think you will love the Dynamic Gold Mid!