Feature(may vary by option.)

●Traditional Japanese Good Luck Amulet
●Made in Japan with papier-mache, height 9.5 cm
●It is the Figurine of Purposes: one eye is painted when one goal is marked, the other is painted when achieving it
●Daruma is a representation of the monk Bodhidharma, founder of Zen Buddhism
●Most popular colors: RED (luck and all kinds of purposes), WHITE (love and success in the exams), GOLDEN (fortune), PURPLE (harmony), GREEN (health), BLACK (protection, to prevent something bad happening)

[9 | 5 cm Purple]

[4.5 cm Purple]

[6 | 5 cm Purple]


Daruma is the Figurine of Purposes. Legend has it that the monk Bodhidharma attained enlightenment after meditating in a cave for 9 years but that his arms and legs fell out of atrophy. Hence the peculiar shape of the Daruma doll.