
●OSMOWRAP with Seaweed and Almond Oils, provides all that you looking for: Disposable plastic thermal Faja, with an active fat burner and a Moisturizer.
●This PonteBella OSMOWRAP is designed “Thinking about you”, to help you reach your goals and protecting your skin at the same time. Reach your goal of reducing cellulite, burn fat and protect your skin, you can use daily under any activity or the gym, cause ITS TRUE "PROTECTS YOUR SKIN" and YES HAS SEAWEED OIL ADDED
●Improve your figure with the unique OSMOPAPER that increase your thermal activity and help to eliminate toxins and activate your objective area to reduce sizes and at the same time protect your skin under high humidity
●The results of the osmotic fat burner wrap are greater if used with a weight loss cream "COFFEEGEL" and sport activity, You also can use a PonteBella girdle, that will make reach your goals easily.Yes PonteBella’s OSMOWRAP has all it, and its for you benefit and you can use in any place in your body: Arms, thighs, abdomen, for better result use our best product COFFEEGEL.
●Faja osmotica termica PONTEBELLA, es el complemento perfecto para ayudar a quemar la grasa abdominal mientras realizas un entrenamiento de tonificacion y perdida de medidas. Obten los beneficios de su efecto sauna que potencializa los tratamientos reductores y reafirmantes. Aumentan la sudoracion ayudando a la eliminacion de toxinas, usala para reducir medidas en las zonas que quieres tratar como brazos, abdomen y piernas. Perfecta para usar en el gimnasio o el hogar.
●Use mode, Contraindications and Warnings: This product must be used not more than 3 hours a day and the plastic, not reuse, only disposable. If fells itchy or see redness skin removal immediately. Keep away from children, risk of choking or suffocation.


COLOMBIAN OSMOWRAP 170FT its a disposable girdle, that helps to increase the thermal activity where it is used, increase toxins elimination and the basal metabolism. OSMOWRAP has Seaweed and Almond oils that helps to increase the basal metabolism and at the same time keep your skin moisturized under high humidity produced by this PVC girdles. Reduce sizes, loss weight, cellulite reducer, eliminate toxins, and protect your skin, cause PonteBella think about you.