Feature(may vary by option.)

●Set includes both Inch and Metric identifiers. Thread sizes are permanently laser etched on each gauge.
●All sizes are steel with a clear zinc finish and each gauge identifies both bolts and nuts.
●Takes the guess work out of thread size and pitch on nuts, bolts , screws, threaded holes and many other threaded items.
●Eliminates costly and time consuming repairs.
●Great for identifying and sorting nuts and bolts in fastener cribs, fastener bins at home or at your facility.

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Thread Detective/Thread Identifier Inch and Metric Combo set. ROHS Steel identifiers strung on a wire lanyard. Shatterproof, color coded polypropylene gauge dividers allow recognition between inch and metric strands at a glance. Set includes Inch Sizes #6 thru 1/2 in both coarse and fine threads and Metric Sizes M4- M12 in the most common pitches. Comes complete with ruler attached.