Feature(may vary by option.)

●Able to use them anywhere that you can hang stuff.

[Sea Shells]

[Dont Talk To Me Unless Ive Had My Coffee]

[No 1]

[Everything Gets Better With Coffee]

[Good Coffee is a Pleasure]

[Home Is Where You Drop Your Anchor]

[Sail Boat Rentals]


These are all whole towels that are all bought preprinted. I do all of the finished work myself. I fold the towels in half and mark the stitching to be as evenly spaced as possible. I use 100% acrylic yarn for crocheting the tops of the towels. I make sure that all of the buttons are 1 inch in diameter. These are great to add a finish to anyones household. They look great anywhere kitchen, bathroom, washroom take your pick. As an added bonus they wont get knocked off on the floor easily. Great for when you have pets and children.