Feature(may vary by option.)

●Premium counted cross stitch chart -- floss and fabric NOT included
●258 x 353 stitches; about 14" x 19" (on 18-count fabric -- recommended)
●78 colors (charted for DMC floss); uses solid and blended floss colors
●Black & white chart printed on heavy bright white paper, coil bound to lie flat
●Picture shows stitched results, not original art. Whole cross stitch only; no backstitching.

[Regular size symbols]

[Large size symbols]


A counted cross stitch pattern of a recently-discovered portrait on vellum of a young lady of the court of Milan which has been attributed to Leonardo da Vinci with fair certainty. It is probably Bianca Sforza, at the time of her marriage at the age of 13. (About 1490). This pattern is solidly stitched. Any color fabric may be used.