Feature(may vary by option.)

●Supports Skin and Coat Problems in Senior Pets
●Made in USA. Electrolytes of Vitamins and Minerals in Alkaline Water
●Provides relief from flea bites but does not kill fleas
●Spray directly on body and put on food and water for fastest results
●Fast Effective Relief for Skin and Coat Problems

[1 Oz]

[2 Oz]


Electrolyte spray supplements bring comfort to your pets persistent health problems, including skin and coat issues. The safe and effective supplements are made of diluted vitamins and minerals in filtered water. The supplements were first formulated to rejuvenate a 17 year old dog and improve his quality of the life. Besides bringing new life to older or sick pets, the supplements are equally effective for over active pets. There is no pill to take so your pet wont notice the odorless supplement on their food. Epic Pet Health natural supplements should also be applied to the body for maximum results, which are often seen in one to 14 days.