Feature(may vary by option.)

●Patience is key. Each aquarium is different. It may take approximately 7 to 20 days to completely cycle the aquariu (ammonia and nitrite are both 0ppm)
●Best Method to cycle a new tank is Fishless cycle.

[2oz Ammonium 4oz One Only (60 Gallon Fresh)]

[8oz Ammonium 16oz One Only (REEF 240 Gallon)]

[4oz Ammonium 8oz One Only (REEF 120 Gallon)]

[4oz Ammonium 8oz One Only (120 Gallon Fresh)]

[2oz Ammonium 4oz One Only (REEF 60 Gallon)]

[8oz Ammonium 16oz One Only (240 Gallon Fresh)]


You would need Ammonia test kit and Nitrite Test kit to check the water parameter. You could pick up the 2 test kit API here in this listing, then pick the appropriate size bundle per your Aquarium Volume. For Example, if your tank is 100 gallon, please pick the 120 gallon bundle.