Feature(may vary by option.)

[Solution FE - 1000ml]

[Solutioin 1 - 1000ml]

[Solution K - 300ML]

[Solutioin 1 - 300ML]

[Solution 2 - 1000ml]

[Solution 2 - 300ML]


Neo solution by Aquario is a full line up of liquid fertilizers intended to support and aid the growth of aquarium plants in a planted tank. With four different solutions, aquarists can choose a solution that tailors to their specific aquatic plants and aquarium needs. Neo Solution uses only high-quality materials for optimized aquarium plant growth! NOTES: The recommended dosage amount referenced in the table above is under the assumption that regular 20% minimum water changes are performed on a weekly basis. If algae occur, decrease the amount used and increase consistent water changes. Shake before using. Do not use in shrimp-only tanks. Keep out of childrens reach.