
●Contains API PROPER pH 7.0 stabilizer (8.8 oz) and API TAP WATER CONDITIONER conditioner (16 oz) for freshwater aquariums.
●API pH stabilizer sets and maintains pH at 7.0, perfect for tropical fish while removing toxins.
●API conditioner neutralizes chlorine, chloramines and detoxifies heavy metals in tap water making it safe for fish.
●Use pH stabilizer when setting up new aquarium or changing water; use conditioner when adding new water.


API PROPER pH 7.0 Freshwater Aquarium Water pH Stabilizer 8.8-Ounce Container
pH is the measure of acidity of water, on a scale ranging from 0 to 14. A pH of 0 is the most acidic, while a pH of 14 is the most alkaline. Water with a pH of 7.0 is considered "neutral". Different geographies have different tap water conditions with different pH levels, while fish require a specific pH level to thrive. API Proper pH 7.0 Freshwater Aquarium pH Stabilizer automatically sets and stabilizes the pH level in freshwater aquariums to 7.0 which is perfect for a mixed variety of tropical freshwater fish. API PROPER pH 7.0 Freshwater Aquarium pH Stabilizer also removes toxic compounds from tap water such as chlorine, neutralizes chloramines, detoxifies heavy metals, and adds electrolytes, making tap water safe for fish. Use this aquarium treatment when setting up a new aquarium, adjusting pH, or changing water. pH in an aquarium can fluctuate due to fish waste, uneaten food and addition of tap water. It is recommended to test water for pH weekly. With API Aquarium products, it’s easy to keep a beautiful saltwater, freshwater or reef aquarium. For over 50 years, API has been creating innovative, research-driven solutions that make it easier to care for your fish and aquarium. API Aquarium Treatment Supplies are designed to work in conjunction with each other to provide best results to control algae, promote healthy bacterial growth and help control and cure fish diseases and conditions such as ich and fin rot. They work to provide a safe, hospitable environment for fish such as tropical community fish, cichlids, goldfish and more. With API, you can spend more time admiring your fish, and less time scrubbing your tank. Make sure to use all products as directed in order to ensure the best results.

API TAP WATER CONDITIONER Aquarium Water Conditioner 16-Ounce Bottle
Good water quality is the key to a healthy, beautiful aquarium. Tap water contains chemicals, such as chlorine and chloramines, which make water safe for drinking, are highly toxic to fish. High levels of these chemicals destroy fish gill tissue, preventing the uptake of oxygen which can lead to fish death. Even low levels irritate delicate fish tissue. Tap water must be treated before adding fish to make sure fish remain healthy. API TAP WATER CONDITIONER Aquarium Water Conditioner instantly removes chlorine and neutralizes chloramines. It also detoxifies heavy metals in tap water. The formula of API TAP WATER CONDITIONER incredibly concentrated. You only need up to 3 ml to treat 10 gallons of water. Its safe for all aquatic and can be used in both fresh and salt water. Use during aquarium set up, water changes and adding fish. With API aquarium products, it’s easy to keep a beautiful saltwater, freshwater or reef aquarium. For almost 60 years API has developed premium solutions with proven and effective results for your family and ours. API offers a range of testing kits, water conditioners, and nutritionally superior food, because we’re dedicated to making a better underwater world. They work to provide a safe, hospitable environment for fish such as tropical community fish, cichlids, goldfish and more. At API, we understand the rewards and relaxation of fishkeeping because we have a passion for fish too.