Feature(may vary by option.)


Description: These are popular among the shrimp hobby and are great for people getting into the hobby. A general rule of thumb of keeping shrimps is 10 shrimps per gallon. Orange Sunkist are non-aggressive and spend most of their time eating algae and biofilm off plants, glass, and substrate. They make excellent clean up crews for aquascape tanks. Orange Sunkist are easy to care for as they require remineralized RO water or tap. If you are using tap, keep in mind to check for any harmful metals or chemicals in the water as all tap water is different and some arent safe to use. When using fertilizer, make sure it does not contain copper as it is harmful to the shrimp’s health. Although there are multiple colors of neocaridina in the same line, it is not recommended to mix them to keep the genes to be the purist it can be. If you do however mix the colors, you will most likely end up with wild brown colored offsprings. Common Name: Orange Sunkist Shrimp, Sunkist Shrimp, Pumpkin Shrimp, Orange Sakura Shrimp, Orange Shrimp. Orange Sunkist are bright shrimps that will make your tank pop. As in pop, you can see them from a far without a problem. Their striking color stands out against dark substrate. Orange Sunkist’s grade can vary from a dark saturated orange to a lighter orange. Check out our store for high quality food for your shrimps