
●Supports Healthy Fish and Fish Eggs
●100% Natural
●Safe and Effective
●Proven by Independent Third-Party Research


Supratect is an easy to use veterinary health product made entirely from plant material that supports healthy fish and fish eggs. It is a safe, sustainable and effective product used around the world for maintaining optimal fish health in commercial aquaculture operations, and available here for use in small ornamental fish tanks.

Supratect is a non-toxic natural product that has no adverse effects on human or fish health.

Supratect was the first natural fish health product to receive approval through the Low-Risk Veterinary Health Products notification program of Health Canada.

Supratect is a must have for all aquarium owners. It is gaining popularity with hobbyists who find it can fix many issues in as little as 1 dose. Works in both freshwater and saltwater but a double dose for saltwater is most effective. Loved by breeders to keep eggs happy and healthy. Although quarantine is your best option, using Supratect can help ensure a safe transition when adding new fish into your aquarium.