Feature(may vary by option.)

●ost top grade diamonds have 8 hearts 8 arrows cut at best. Our Diamonbella simulated diamonds have achieved an exceptional 10 hearts 10 Arrows Supreme Ideal cut with our latest computer-aided laser cutting technology, which makes the stone a 30 percent brighter than other hearts and arrows diamonds.
●Our signature 10 hearts and 10 arrows diamond simulant has an amazing 81 facets, much more than the typical 57 in others. This increased number of angles reflect more light than other diamonds, and they offer edge-to-edge brilliance that explodes white and colored light, even in low light conditions, be it being across the room at a party or in dimly-lit conditions. This is something that cubic zirconia ( CZ ) and low quality diamonds cannot do.
●Our Diamonbella diamond simulants are created in a laboratory under ideal conditions. Thus there are no impurities like trace minerals or black spot such as those in real diamonds. This stone is 1.5 Ct (7 mm).
●Our stones are flawless internally and externally, with an absolute colorless D, hence they are able to exhibit more brilliance than a real diamond.
●Diamonbella stones are super shiny, full of fire and sparkle, yet they only cost at fraction of the real thing. Why would you get anything else? Comes in formal ring box with our brand name Diamonbella and velvet interior.

[12mm |  5 Carats]

[6mm |  0.80 carat]


The 4Cs of Diamonds
Diamonds are commonly assessed in terms of the “4 Cs”: Cut, Clarity, Color, and Carat.

Cut. A good cut has a high refractive index, giving the diamond its brilliance (how shiny), dispersion (how fiery), and scintillation (how glittery).
The Round cut is the most popular cut shape for diamonds, commanding more than 75% of diamonds sold today. Most ideal cuts have 57 facets. We have achieved an amazing 81 facets for our round stones. With more facets, our diamond simulants are able to reflect more light, making them full of fire, and brilliance and glitter.

Clarity. Our diamond simulants are created in a laboratory under ideal conditions. Hence there are no blemishes or impurities such as trace minerals or black spot that could be found in real diamonds.

Color. Our diamond simulants are created absolute colorless D, similar to top-grade real diamonds. This is the most desirable color as its complete transparency allows the most fire and sparkle.

The features that determine the optical beauty of a diamond are: brilliance, dispersion, and scintillation. If the number of facets on a diamond can be increased, it will enhance the brilliance, dispersion, and scintillation of the diamond.

Most diamonds with a round brilliant cut have 57 facets. Diamonbella has been able to achieve an amazing 101 facets for our square stones: a pavilion of 64 facets, a girdle of 4 facets, and a crown with 33 crown facets.

With such a high number of facets and precise symmetry, our square diamond simulants redefine the standard of a diamond’s optical beauty with their brilliance, fire and glitter. They will glow in the sun and draw attention from a distance, and will still sparkle even in low light conditions, i.e. from across the room at a party or in a candle-lit restaurant.