Feature(may vary by option.)

●Double sided compact mirror that measures 2.75” X 2.75” and is covered in a sleek, chrome-plated stainless steel shell. Opens and closes with snap-easy latch located on the front of the mirror.
●One mirror is at regular magnification and the other at 3X magnification which allows you to see in more detail when applying makeup or tweezing hair.
●Featuring a modern but minimal design and available in both gold and silver finishes, these compact mirrors are lightweight, ideal for travel, fit in your pockets easily and can also be kept in your purse or handbag.

[Gold Folds]

[Plain Flat Silver]

[Silver Lines]

[Gold Lines]

[Silver Folds]

[Gold Ridges]


Modern and Minimal 1:3x Magnified Compact Double-Sided Mirror (Gold Ridges)