
●See long description for list of compatible gas condensing boiler models
●See long description for list of compatible control models
●Any adjustments, installations, service or maintenance must be completed by a licensed professional heating contractor who is qualified to work with hot water boilers
●Check with manufacturer before ordering replacement parts to ensure a proper fit
●Give the manufacturer the 16-digit boiler serial number or the 12-digit ASME/NB serial number


Replacement Outdoor Sensor #1 is designed for use with Vitodens 200 WB2A (6-24C/6-24/8-32), Vitodens 200 WB2 (6-24C/6-24/8-32/11-44/15-60), and Vitodens 200-W WB2B (19/26/35/45/60/80/105) Series Residential Gas Condensing Boilers. It may also be used with the following controls: Vitotronic 200 (KW2), Vitotronic 300 (KW3 & GW2), Vitotronic 300-K (MW1W, MW1S, & MW2S), Vitotronic 200-H HK1M, Dekamatik-HK1, and Vitocontrol-S WB2B (MW2). Any adjustments, installations, service or maintenance must be completed by a licensed professional heating contractor who is qualified to work with hot water boilers. When ordering replacement parts, check with the manufacturer and provide the 16-digit boiler serial number or the 12-digit ASME/NB serial number to ensure a proper fit before purchasing.