
●521 Tab Mini is a mini version of 521 tab, which is designed to increase the degree of safety and avoid building a dangerous coil for the mod you are using.
●The best choice of coil DIY lovers.Smaller in size Added battery level indicator on screen
●Added USB port for charging Coil resistance meter High temperature protection
●Coil rebuilding Deck Coil burning Table Mod
●Reverse battery protection Short circuit protection Battery out put voltage testing


A coil burning measure building platform is a specialized tool to build and test coils. The platform typically includes a base with screw holes to hold various sizes of atomizers and a deck for building coils. The deck usually includes an ohm meter to measure the resistance of the coils, as well as a power button and voltage regulator to test the coils for hot spots and ensure they heat up evenly. The platform allows users to safely and accurately build and test their own coils, which can save money and offer a more customized experience. However, it is important to note that building coils requires a certain level of knowledge and expertise, and improper use of the platform can be dangerous. Proper safety precautions, such as using appropriate tools and materials and following manufacturer guidelines, should always be taken when building coils.