Feature(may vary by option.)

●26 Watt, 10 UVB Fluorescent Coil Bulb
●Self-ballasted compact fluorescent UVB bulb for desert species of reptiles and amphibians
●Excellent UVB to UVA ratio
●Ideal for Desert Diurnal Species (Active in the Daytime) Reptiles. Such as Bearded Dragons, Monitors, Tegus, and other desert species
●This lamp can also be served as an important stimulant to live plants in vivariums and terrariums

[13 Watts]

[26 Watts]


Flukers 10.0 UVB fluorescent bulbs are ideal for diurnal species (active during the day) such as bearded dragons, monitors, tegus, uromastyx, and other desert species. Recent research also suggests that crepuscular and nocturnal species (active during twilight and nighttime) benefit from UVB radiation.