Feature(may vary by option.)

●Active Humbucking-sized Electric Guitar Pickup Set f 8-string Electric Guitar with Multi-voice Fluence Ce

[7-String Set]

[8-String Set]


Stephen is a players player, preferring to concentrate more on his music than equipment. "My signature pickup set has the full range of tones that youre looking for. Voice 1 is similar to the tone of the original Modern Humbucker Fluence set. And for the second voice, I like a bit more heat, some hot stuff on it... more edge, so thats in there too." Each Fishman Fluence pickup has two distinct and useful sounds on-board. These sounds start with the revolutionary Fluence Core, the heart of Fluence tone. From this Fluence Core we then create the classic timbres and tone - colors you expect from great guitar pickups - as well as some you’ve never expected. "I was never the super-critical guy. Im not much for specs, but I like clean, full sounding pickups. We put Fluence in and I jammed on them for 45 minutes and thought... these things are freaking great... I didnt want to stop playing."