
●Fun and engaging game for kids, promoting hand-eye coordination, strategic thinking, and friendly competition
●Set of 4 horseshoes with leather carrying strap. Use sticks found outside as the posts and toss to play!
●Provides an opportunity for players to engage in friendly competition, bond, and create lasting memories. Its a great game for social gatherings, picnics, or family outings.
●Encourages spending time outdoors, enjoying fresh air, and appreciating nature. It provides a break from indoor activities and screen time, promoting a more active and healthy lifestyle.
●Set up in various outdoor locations, including backyards, parks, or campsites.


Horseshoes is a classic outdoor game that can be enjoyed by kids and adults alike. The game involves throwing horseshoes towards a target in an attempt to score points. Heres how the game of horseshoes typically works: Equipment: To play horseshoes, you will need the following items: Horseshoes: These are U-shaped metal pieces with two open ends. Stakes: Two stakes are driven into the ground, usually about 40 feet apart. They serve as the targets for the horseshoes. Setup: Place the stakes in the ground, ensuring they are stable and firmly anchored. The distance between the stakes can be adjusted based on the age and skill level of the players. For kids, you may want to shorten the distance to make it easier. Rules: Players take turns throwing their horseshoes towards the opposite stake. Each player can throw two horseshoes during their turn, aiming to land them as close as possible to the stake. The horseshoes must be thrown underhand, in a pitching motion. Scoring depends on how close the horseshoes land to the stake: A horseshoe that encircles the stake is called a "ringer" and typically scores the highest number of points, often three points. If no ringer is achieved, the horseshoe closest to the stake scores one point. In some variations, horseshoes within a certain distance from the stake may score additional points, such as two points. Winning the Game: The game typically continues until a predetermined winning score is reached (e.g., 21 points). The first player or team to reach or exceed that score is declared the winner. Horseshoes