Feature(may vary by option.)

●National Hardwares Ceiling Hooks can be used to hang plants from ceilings, beams, and under cabinets for a finishing touch.
●Manufactured from steel for superior durability.
●Easy to install.
●For interior applications.
●Safe working load of 25 lbs
●Designed to hook into ceilings





Product Description

NATIONAL HARDWARE ceiling hook, series: V2666, 6 in length, 0.22 in wire diameter, no 14, 1 in thread, 25 lb., steel, Black. 6-Inch. Designed to hook into ceilings. Decorative home hardware that adds a finishing touch to any room. 6 long. Ideal for hanging larger plants from ceilings and beams. 1 per package.

From the Manufacturer

6-inch ceiling hook Black