Feature(may vary by option.)

●ULTRA-LIGERO: No mas latas pesadas o voluminosas, funciona de forma ligera con esta brida flexible. El reducido volumen de nuestro ergoflask de 300 ml lo hace perfecto para introducirlo en un cinturon deportivo o para viajar ligero.
●AMPLIA ABIERTA: Gracias a su amplia apertura, es facil de llenar, practico a la hora de repostar. Su cuello se abre y se cierra facilmente, ahorrando preciosos segundos.
●FLEXIBLE Y ERGONOMICO: La botella flexible se comprime a medida que el liquido desaparece, evitando que se mezcle y ocupe poco volumen cuando esta vacia. El ErgoFlask 300ml se adapta perfectamente a su mano y permite un buen agarre incluso con las manos humedas y frias.
●LIBRE DE BPA Y PVC: Ecologico y duradero, el frasco esta garantizado 100% libre de PVC y de bisfenol A, por lo que puede utilizarlo de forma segura. Para mantener su frasco, simplemente pongalo en el lavavajillas.
●CONSEJO PRO TRIATLON: Mantenga su cinturon abrochado, aflojelo, pongaselo y luego tire para ajustarlo en lugar de enredarse en las correas.


[Bright Blue]



The athletes we follow alternate between large and small flanges to avoid carrying too much weight. Compressport has created Ergoflask 300ml, a perfect trail running flask to slip into a Freebelt or to take on a trip. Flexible and supple, the bottle compresses as it empties, reducing its volume as much as possible and avoiding any liquid swaying. During a race, time is precious: the wide opening of the ErgoFlask 300ml makes it possible to speed up the filling process to optimize your time when refueling. Ecological and reusable, this flexible sports bottle is certified PVC and BPA free. It is also dishwasher safe. Compressport: with 10 years of experience in supporting high-level athletes, the Compressport team is made up of people who are passionate about Triathlon, Ironman, Trail, Mountain Running and Road Running. Our values are based on Technology, Permanent Innovation and proximity with our champion partners. Our team of athletes helps us to improve our products and the performance of our customers. In just a few years, Compressport has become the technical leader in compression products thanks to their unique technical features, special fibres, design and exceptional quality.