Feature(may vary by option.)

●Manufactured and inspected at world Class factory that produces highest quality European brands
●Made of high quality stainless steel throughout
●Function keys: on/off/zero, mm/inch, TOL, ABS, hold and set
●Fine adjustment
●Scriber is carbide tipped

[12    & 300 mm]


Z-Limit ultra Series stainless steel electronic height gage is manufactured and inspected at world cal SS factory that produces highest quality European brands. Made of high quality stainless steel throughout. Function keys: on/off/zero, mm/inch, tol, ABS, hold and set. Power: SR 44, 1.55V battery [included). true inch/metric conversion. Complete with fitted case. Scriber is Carbide tipped. Fine adjustment. Resolution is 0.0005"/0.01mm.