Feature(may vary by option.)

●High Elbow Panel - The new 3.8 incorporates High Elbow Panel technology, which gives you more stability by keeping your elbow elevated with every stroke. After numerous biomechanical studies to improve stability, this panel has been strategically placed to support, without limiting flexibility.
●Core Lateral Stabilzer - CLS is a panel that provides lateral rigidity to the abdomen to strengthen your core and prevent twisting. This technology helps you to maintain an effective technique for longer, thanks to its 5-mm thick side panels.
●Exo-cell technology is incorporated throughout the lower front panel, providing maximum buoyancy. This low-density material will bring your legs to an elevated horizontal position.
●1.5mm 40 Cell Neoprene - On top of providing maximum buoyancy, the 1.5-mm 40-cell neoprene in the shoulders, gives you the extra flexibility you need to keep from overloading your shoulders.
●Super Composite Skin - Super Composite Skin (SCS) is the leading triathlon wetsuit coating because of its capacity to reduce friction and to provide the best possible hydrodynamics. Orca uses the most innovative version of Nano SCS, developed by the Yamamoto company, to ensure top speed in the water. The friction coefficient in the water of Orca’s Nano SCS is 0.026, as compared to an average of 4.0 for the other wetsuits.


The new 3.8 is the perfect choice for the Progressive Swimmer, who needs a boost in buoyancy. This wetsuit was designed with the goal of elevating the position of the triathlete in the water, with the most advanced buoyancy technologies on the market, Aerodome and Exo-cell; without compromising elasticity when it comes to swim strokes, with Yamamoto 40. The wetsuit you need to conquer the swimming portion. Infinity Skin - The inner Infinity Skin lining provides the feeling of absolute freedom. Designed based on a high-elasticity nylon that incorporates bamboo fibers, this technology is applied to the lining of our wetsuits to offer you greater flexibility with each stroke. This cloth maintains body heat longer, reduces body odor and the appearance of bacteria in your wetsuit. It is also made from natural eco-friendly materials to prevent the appearance of skin irritation and care for the environment. 0.88 Free technology was developed with Yamamoto exclusively for Orca, with the goal of creating the most elastic material on the market today. The finest neoprene on the market is 0.5 mm thick and combines the best lining with a titanium coating for better thermal insulation. HydroLite - The HydroLite panels help the wetsuit come of easier, for faster transitions. This technology, combined with the SCS coating, helps the water slide off your wetsuit, without impregnating it, considerably improving your hydrodynamics.