Feature(may vary by option.)

●Materia: Kapecute sphagnum moss is hand picked from carefully managed, sustainable swamps, naturally air dried to preserve the optimal quality, without any additives, you can safely use. Kapecute sphagnum moss are carefully selected by hand, very few sticks (natural product, unavoidable).
●Package Include: You will receive 3 oz weight of dry compressed sphagnum moss bricks, soak it in water for about 10 minutes, you can get about 3.4 QT moist and fluffy sphagnum moss.
●For Plants: Kapecute sphagnum moss have excellent water holding capacity, perfect for orchids and bog pots, begonias, venus fly trap, pitcher plant, African violets, ferns, great for growing seedlings, perfect medium for rooting, work far better than using potting soil, you can use Kapecute sphagnum moss to make your soil and for air layering and use it to cover the potting mix in all your pots, keeps the soil from splashing up on the plants and acts as mulch.
●For Reptiles and Amphibians: Its a good idea to use Kapecute sphagnum moss for most of your reptiles and amphibians that require higher humidty, perfect for reptile hides and help with humidity in terrarium.
●Notice: Kapecute sphagnum moss are natural and not over processed that the water will a bit of get dirty when soaking it, with some natural earthy smell. Purely hand-packed, the weight and size of each package will vary.

[1 lb]

[2 lb]

[3 oz]


Sphagnum mossSphagnum moss

Kapecute sphagnum moss is hand picked from carefully managed, sustainable swamps, naturally air dried to preserve the optimal quality, without any additives, you can safely use.

sphagnum mosssphagnum moss


If you want a product where someone has already handpicked it out, Kapecute high quality sphagnum moss will be a good choice for you.

Sphagnum mossSphagnum moss

Small Package

You will receive 3 oz weight of dry compressed sphagnum moss bricks, which size is 5.9"x6.2"x1.9". There is much that is packed into the little package, it is made of 4 quarts of dried and fluffy sphagnum moss that have been manually compressed into small bricks.

Sphagnum mossSphagnum moss


When you immerse 3 ounces of Kapecute dried sphagnum moss bricks in water, it will quickly absorb water and begin to swell. In about 10 minutes, you can get about 3.4 quarts of wet and fluffy sphagnum moss, which is very cost-effective.

3.4 QT moist and fluffy sphagnum moss

Sphagnum mossSphagnum moss

You will receive 3 oz weight of dry compressed sphagnum moss bricks, soak it in water for about 10 minutes, you can get about 3.4 QT moist and fluffy sphagnum moss.


Perfect for plant propagationPerfect for plant propagation

Nice for carnivorous plantsNice for carnivorous plants

Reptile bedReptile bed

Good for Staghorn FernGood for Staghorn Fern

Perfect for plant propagation

Nice for carnivorous plants

Reptile bed

Good for Staghorn Fern

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