Feature(may vary by option.)

●PRACTICAL AND SAFE- Baby sofa chair is very easy to use and practical. While your baby is sitting and spending time safely in baby sitting chair, you can get things done. You can also feed your baby in the baby sit up chair. Moreover, you can take this product wherever you go with your baby.
●BABY-FRIENDLY PRODUCT - 100 % Bead Fiber filled. Bead Fibers offer superior comfort due to the harmony it provides to baby movements. The cover of the infant floor seat is made of high-quality, stain-resistant fabric and does not contain any substances harmful to babies. Two toy attachment hoops perfect for activities that develop sensory and motor skills .
●BACK AND SIDE SUPPORT - High and firm side and back design provides full support for your baby. When you leave your baby sitting, you will no longer worry. Baby sitting chair prevents baby from falling while sitting alone on the floor or sofa. 360 degree comfortable support wraps your baby securely in plush comfort while observing his surroundings.
●MACH?NE WASHABLE ? Your baby floor seat will be shipped vacuum-packed. After opening the package, let it regain its shape by tapping it with your hands or wait one day before using it. The cover of the baby sit up chair can be washed in the washing machine.



