
●BENEFITS: IGLU Soft Play Equipment is specifically designed to develop childrens motor skills , enhance balance, and promote spatial awareness, all while providing a fun and engaging play experience.
●QUALITY: Our products meet the highest quality standards. Every stage, from foam production to sewing, is carefully checked to ensure superior craftsmanship. We use the best materials, ensuring durability and longevity.
●CERTIFIED: Our product is certified to comply with US and EU safety standards, guaranteeing it is free from harmful substances, making it safe for children.
●MANUFACTURING: Proudly made in Latvia, an EU country, our soft play equipment is crafted with precision - made of PE foam and covered with Vegan leather (PVC).
●WARRANTY: You get 2 year warranty with our product, but it will last well beyond that due to exceptional quality and craftsmanship.


IGLU Soft Play Shapes
For physical and intellectual development
IGLU helps to develop and teach: Movement and motor skills (crawling, climbing)
Forms and develops spatial awareness
Strengthens motor coordination skills
Helps develop logical thinking
Helps with learning geometric shapes and colours
Develops creativity and imagination
Improves social skills
IGLU Soft Play shapes are suitable for the overall development of the child’s movement and motor skills. The different shapes of the blocks allow children to improve their motor coordination and skills ? finger and hand movement, grasping, crawling, moving over obstacles, and climbing on elevations.
Playing with brothers, sisters, and friends also helps children develop social skills through communicating with each other.
Playing with parents or other children will help them learn and recognise different geometric shapes and colours more quickly. The variety of shapes also allows creativity and imagination to flourish, as it is possible to build forts, castles, and houses by combining shapes.
IGLU Soft Play shapes are suitable for children from 1 year of age.