Feature(may vary by option.)

●LED Lamps
●Place of Origin: Shenzhen, Guangdong
●Whether to import: No
●Certification: None

[15M 150 light set]


LED Lamps
Model: ACAE1D-leather line
Order number: ACAE1D-leather wire
Specifications: 10M-100 light set, 15M-150 light set, 20M-200 light set
Custom processing: Yes
Light source power: 0.5
Main scope of application: Festival decoration, indoor and outdoor decoration
Color: [5V-USB Copper Wire Magic Color Leather Wire Lamp] APP+Controller+Remote Control+Color Box
Input voltage: 5(V)
Control mode: button
Power supply: other
Protection level: IP65
Shape: any shape
Cross-border package weight: 0.3kg
Unit weight: 0.2kg