
●Train to sit, come, stand, lie down and many more. Designed for Dog Training, Start them off when puppies.
●2-in1 Clicker and Whistle and suitable for all breeds/ages of Dogs and Cats.
●Interactive behavior training between you and your dog. Teaches repeated good behavior. High quality training aid.
●Based on proven scientific concepts. Teach your dog tricks.
●Can save your dogs life when in danger, ie running toward a busy road. Associate the whistle and clicker with good behavior and rewards/treats.



High quality, beautiful feel 2-in1 Clicker and Whistle. You press the middle button, that will make a sound. When you are training your dog, you click when they do something correctly and then reward. The dog associates the click sound with a reward and if trained properly should come to you when you use it. A dog whistle is a training tool that has been used for a very long time. Whistles can be used for any number of commands and they have a piercing sound that carries a long distance and is distinct from most everyday noises. This makes it a great tool if you need to control your dog at a distance or if you need to get your dogs attention in a noisy situation. The whistle is a distinct noise that the dog doesnt hear except as a training tool. This means the dog is more likely to respond to it than to spoken commands, where the cue word might be heard in everyday conversation. Clicker training is a popular way to train your dog and reward his good behavior. It can be fun for you and your dog and often produces quick and effective results. Clicker training is based on the scientific concept that an animal will continue to do a behavior that is rewarded. Once your dog understands what the clicker is all about, you will be able to teach him all kinds of tricks with plenty of rewards along the way. A clicker, is a small, handheld plastic device with a button or small metal tongue that you press down on to make a clicking noise. The key to using a clicker is to use it at the exact moment that your dog performs the expected behavior. The sound of a click should always be followed by some type of reward (eg, food, toys, verbal praise).