
●Scout Spec Pine Derby Axles Nail - Straight, no crimps, burr free - ready to race.
●Axle kit (4x axles) that contains: 2x2.5 degree axles, 1x1.5 degree angles, 1x straight axle
●Rail Riding is consider one of the fastest setups you can have for a wood derby car
●Will pass magnet test, beveled tapered head to ensure minimal surface friction
●See our YouTube Channel: DerbyDust to leave them in the dust


These pine derby speed axles are far from the official derby axle that comes in the kit. It takes time and skill to remove those imperfections that come on the official axles into Fast Polished Pine Speed Axles. Many how-to’s and books show you how to do it but, It just takes time and practice.

Let us take that headache away and get you on the race with Derby Dust.

  • 4x BSA AXLES that have been prepped, ready to race for rail riding.
  • 4x Polished BSA Spec Axles. 2x2.5 axles for rears, 1.5 for steer, 1 straight axle for the high wheel.

We have taken all the troubles of figuring out this complicated process. If you only have a few hours to dedicate to your derby build, think about maximizing that time and purchasing a set of prepped axles and wheel.

Our prepped axles have been deburred, shaped, straightened and wet polished to 3000 grit finish prior to plating.

bent camber canted steer polished pine derby axlebent camber canted steer polished pine derby axle
2.5 degree camber canted bent steer polished derby axle2.5 degree camber canted bent steer polished derby axle


Bends markedBends marked

Track TestedTrack Tested

BSA Specification.

Derby Dust axles meet the rules that come in the official Cub Scout Pine Derby kit.

But, we go the extra mile for you as we ensure our BSA Axles are:

  • Straightened, Burrs removed, ready for graphite racing.

Be on Top of the Game

Red- 1.5 degree line in direction of bend

Black- 2.5 degree, line in direction of bend

Blank- Straight

Great for any type of lube.

You cant get much faster when properly installed.

Tested and Trusted

Derby Dust Axles are machined to perfection and track tested for maximum velocity to ensure they get you to the finals.

Ensuring reduce friction to hold graphite further.


Winning The Race

At Derby Dust, we understand the essence of winning. Hence, we carefully and accurately prep these axles to achieve top speed. Designed for hassle free racing with a smooth, shiny surface.

These axles are ready to go right out of the bag. Axles also have bevel the underside of the axle to reduce friction.

Because we have taken time to get it right and care for the outcome of your racer, all axles are bent with the Derby Word Pro Axle bender to ensure a consistent, repeatable, accurate 1.5 & 2.5 degrees bent axles will help you save building time and win the race. Bent like the pros bend them!


Reasons Why Bent Axles are Used are for Pine Derby Racing

Our Speed Axles are custom made for Maximum Speed. They are more accurate, and do not have the typical nail flaws." Axles provided are 2x 2.5-degree bends, 1x 1.5-degree bend, 1x Straight axle for the high wheel.

Our axles have been prepped to:

  • Encourage the wheels to migrate toward the ends of the axle.
  • Align the front axle(s) to make the car run precisely in the right direction.
  • Align the rear axles to eliminate conflict between them and keep the rear wheels off the guide rail.
  • Make the wheels to ride on the edge of the tread rather than on the full face of the tread.

These are part of the winning process.