
●ABOUT THE A4 - It is a slightly overstable disc that fills the distance gap between midranges and putters and is designed for all skill levels
●HOW IT FLIES - The A4 is consistent and reliable in moderate wind conditions and perfect for short approach shots
●ABOUT 200 PLASTIC - 200 Plastic is extremely versatile. It’s great for entry level players looking to get into the game, as well as advanced & professional players who love to fine tune their discs by working them in just the way they like. The feel of this plastic brings a new dimension to our line-up. Similar to our 300 Plastic, but with less grip - the 200 Plastic stands on its own.
●FLIGHT NUMBERS - The A4 is rated as Speed 4 | Glide 4 | Turn -1 | Fade 2. It works equally well for backhand or sidearm
●STAMP & DISC COLOR MAY VARY - Please note that when you purchase the A4 that you will receive a random stamp and color disc


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