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lib tech dynamo snowboardlib tech dynamo snowboard
Dynamo main.Dynamo main.

A dreamy camber directional all terrain freeride board with unlimited freestyle capacity. The relaxed entry directional nose and mild taper floats the pow and crud effortlessly. A powerful C3 camber contour with Magne-Traction helps precise hard pack carving and pop and stomp on big take offs and landings. The sustainable poppy Aspen/Paulownia core and fast running eco sublimated TNT base will have you beating your friends to the bottom all season long. An Austen Sweetin and Phil Hansen favorite.

Dynamo constructionDynamo construction
lib tech dynamo snowboardlib tech dynamo snowboard
Dynamo sizingDynamo sizing
lib tech snowboardslib tech snowboards


We are a collective of board sports dreamers brought together by a passion for free expression. Whether riding mountains, waves, cement or creating works of art with new technologies and craftsmanship, we’ve dedicated our lives to this. Building up from nothing but a dream we are now bringing dreams to reality with our equal opportunity, high tech / zero hazardous waste board building facility Mervin MFG. Handcrafting the best boards for every season and every condition for you me and all our friends. Dream boards…

Product information