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Pete Saari’s skate minded resort freestyle stick. The DD is designed for resort based freestyle progression and good times in every direction and condition. Rail through the corners, blast the cat tracks and wall hits, flow through the park and surf the pow if you can get it. “Directional in both Directions” the floaty low entry angle nose and tail are shaped differently but have the same surface area and make this daily driver a secret multi directional freestyle powder slayer. Slightly shortened contacts keep the board creative play freestyle friendly. MILD VOLUME SHIFT, SHORT CONTACT RIDE THIS BOARD 2-4 CM LONGER THAN YOUR NORMAL BOARD.

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lib tech double dip snowboardlib tech double dip snowboard
lib tech double dip snowboardlib tech double dip snowboard
lib tech snowboardslib tech snowboards


We are a collective of board sports dreamers brought together by a passion for free expression. Whether riding mountains, waves, cement or creating works of art with new technologies and craftsmanship, we’ve dedicated our lives to this. Building up from nothing but a dream we are now bringing dreams to reality with our equal opportunity, high tech / zero hazardous waste board building facility Mervin MFG. Handcrafting the best boards for every season and every condition for you me and all our friends. Dream boards…

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