

Not sure if this is a DVD or a CD-Rom - no details listed on packaging. Expert Auction Power Features: Research products currently or previously listed on eBay Review totals including Sale price, listing price and bid amounts See prices including start and end price analysis Determine the effectiveness of eBay’s promotional features such as Bold, Highlight, Gift or Featured and whether or not to use them with your auction Research Listing Duration By leveraging the experiences of others using eBay you can learn: What products are most profitable When to sell (day of the week and hour of the day) What amount is most effective to start your bid at Whether “Buy Now” or a traditional auction is more effective for your item How much competition there is for a specific item How long to list your item; see success rates for 1, 3, 5, 7, 10 day listings Which category to list your item in (includes revenue, success rates, volume by category) And much more!