Feature(may vary by option.)

●Safe & Cozy Hamster Bedding: Bonnevie hamster sphagnum moss is 100% natural. It is carefully hand-picked and artificial screened for many times. We applied dehydration technique with ultraviolet sterilization to ensure a healthy and fantastic habitat for hamsters or other reptiles. Bonnevie premium sphagnum moss is a convenient choice for cage set up! We are confident that our forest moss will surprise you!
●Moisture and Odor Control: Bonnevie hamster sphagnum moss is clean and smells pleasant. Our dried sphagnum moss can not only add a touch of green and natural appearance to your hamster or reptile enclosure, but also absorbs odors and excess moisture in the habitat, your hamsters will love it!
●Wild Theme Hamster Bedding: Bonnevie natural sphagnum moss helps create natural theme decoration, which breaks the boredom and brings your hamsters back to the nature. Besides creating a beautiful natural cage set up, it allows hamster to achieve great happiness when hide and explore in the green fluff sphagnum moss.
●Add Digging and Burrowing Fun: Digging and hiding make hamsters feel safe, Bonnevie sphagnum moss fiber helps encourage rodent pets to burrow and dig, helping them hide, store food, create a warm nest with moss bedding.
●Ideal Moss Bedding for Small Pets: Bonnevie sphagnum moss bedding is not only suitable for rodent pets like hamsters, gerbils, mice, degus, but also reptiles such as snakes, turtles, tortoises, chameleon, lizards, gecko, iguana reptiles, bearded dragons, chameleons, tree frogs, iguana, snails and other amphibians terrariums. Also, Bonnevie forest sphagnum moss is used for potted plants decoration.

[Forest Moss]




[Sphagnum Moss]


