

??Steps for usage:

?Clean the depression with a clean damp cloth and mark it with a marker. Put the special glue into the hot melt glue gun, plug in the power supply and preheat for 3-5 minutes. Choose a suitable suction cup according to the size of the depression, and the same force will be required. Spread hot melt adhesive on the selected suction cup and stick it on the position where the marker pen is made, and wait to dry until the hot melt adhesive hardens. Clamp the T pull head to the suction cup and pull it out until it is smoothed. Remove the tool, spray alcohol on the remaining colloid, shovel it off with a shovel until it is removed, and the repair is complete.


?If the above steps are not repaired successfully, please repeat the operation until it is repaired. If there are still raised points on the repaired surface, you can follow the following rules: Press the raised points back and forth with your thumb until the surface of the raised points is flat. If you can’t smooth the raised points with your thumb, you can try to align the raised points with a leveling pen (usually holding the pen), and gently tap the white with a rubber mallet to restore the flatness. If it succeeds once, it can be restored many times. The operation was white until the repair was successful. (Be careful when hitting, too much may be counterproductive)