
●Go forth and empower your creative side, with tone that has true vision to inspire. If you are ready for a change in distortion history, then it’s time to follow the CHIEF DISRUPTOR!
●Over the years, different muff drives had different levels of gain, so we derived three major distinctive gain structures all based on what we consider to be the best versions.
●Tonal Empowerment


Tonal Empowerment

“Gazing from afar at the downfall of archaic sonic structures, a hooded being sat calmly on the cornerstone of legacy. For generations, instead of asking what the present actually screamed for, people had been blinded by the achievements of the past. That was before the CHIEF DISRUPTOR came along! All it took was the push of a single handle to tear down the ancient landmarks for good, not even passing a flinch as the explosion happened. Instead, a feeling of hope began to saturate the entire being, manifesting in an endlessly sustaining smile on their face. It’s finally time for a new era of crushing tones. It’s time for the age of the CHIEF DISRUPTOR"

Welcome to a new era of the most iconic fuzz/distortion sound the world has ever known. You know, that epically huge and super saturated tone (some might call it big and muffy) that has defined the signature sound of so many artists and countless records in the past few decades. Its arguably one of the pedals with the biggest impact on the entire industry, which has seen it modified over and over again. So much that you think its all been done, right? Oh boy do we have a surprise for you right now, right here!

Holding three different Gain Modes, a pre- or post-EQ Clean Blend, active Bass and Treble controls, a foot-switchable and expression-controllable parametric Mid-EQ as well as a switchable top-boost for even more raspy, grinding bite, CHIEF DISRUPTOR is the most flexible, beautifully balanced and LOUDEST muff-style pedal youll ever hear!