
●A TOP Range Free Skating Blade
●Rocker Radius: 8′ Radius
●Radius of Hollow (ROH): 7/16″
●Blade Style: Parallel
●Rake Style: Straight Cut Rake




The PHOENIX 99 is designed with an Enlarged Toe Pick to give precise Toe Spotting. The PHOENIX 99 is what happens when you let time-honoured craftsmen take the highest quality blade and fuse it with carbon fibre technology. The result is without comparison ? this is simply the finest lightweight precision blade on the planet. The PHOENIX 99 is a parallel blade with superior steel construction for unmatched quality and world class performance. John Wilson has been manufacturing world champion ice skates for more than 300 years. John Wilson has been manufacturing world champion ice skates for more than 300 years. Committed to creating the world’s most advanced blades John Wilson precision hardens every blade using the highest quality steel. The Parallel Blades have the same blade runner thickness from the rake of the blade down the total length of the blade to the blade tail. Parallel blades are the most common of blades. The Rake is Straight Cut which is a single directional milling process and provides for increased transformation of forward momentum into elevation. The more dominate the Toe Pick, the greater the potential for Jumping Elevation.