
●From an Industry Leader
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●From Tenax


Tepox Q Stain for Stone - 1/4 Liter Yellow

TEPOX Q is a liquid dye used to color epoxy resins and superficial products like AGER and PETROLUX. Recommended for use to achieve a good penetration of the color in the stone. Also used to restore or enhance the color and tone of stones, like black granite and yellow exotic granite. The colors have a good resistance to outdoor conditions. This product may be used directly on stone or it can be added to resin based epoxies and stone treatments to permanently change the stones color. It’s possible to create any desired color from the base colors. The final effect depends on the porosity of the material and the pigment concentration in the epoxy system.

You can use this during the polishing process or after completing the polishing. You can use it straight for a higher magnitude of color change or you can dilute it with a resin based stone treatment like Ager or Petrolux. This is a HazMat (hazardous material).