
●Safety: The safety of the child while playing, developing and exploring the world is the most important thing for parents. Adults want safe toys for their children- without sharp edges, also in which production does not use harmful materials and they are eco-friendly.
●Convenience: For busy parents of children, convenience is often a top priority. Seesaw rocker is easy to set up, transport, and clean up that is why they are highly valued.
●Cognitive development: Toddler brains are rapidly developing during this stage, so they need plenty of stimulation and opportunities to learn. Montessori rocker promotes cognitive development and imaginative ideas of games.
●Imaginary awareness: The Arch gives the child the opportunity to dream and invent new role-playing games. It can be like a coffee table, a store checkout counter or a pirate ship. Every child will find exactly the application that their heart wants and feels.
●Entertainment and relaxation: Climbing Arch is a toy of amusement and recreation for older children as well. They can climb on it and exercise, they can turn it upside down, get into the rocker, rock themselves and read a book. Its the perfect place to relax after long hours at school, as the Rocker perfectly follows the shape of the spine, relaxing tense muscles.


KateHaa Rocker is a universal and versatile childrens toy made of wood. This climbing rocker is inspired by children, combining aesthetic design and functionality. KateHaa wooden rocker develops the vestibular apparatus and increases the childs coordination of movements, strength, and balance.