
●PRECISION - The accuracy when measuring the distance to the pin is very important, even critical to your score.
●SLOPE -This can really help your game. Changes In elevation between you and the target are critical factors in your club selection resulting in a better round for you.
●MAGNIFICATION. This feature is important and can be underappreciated. At 6X and 6½X Rhino Premium creates a clear, unimpeded view, identifying the correct target.
●RECHARGEABLE LITHIUM BATTERIES. This is the “Go-To” for a hassle-free energy source. They rate a 98% performance level and last up to 5 years.
●MAGNET. This will keep the rangefinder securely attached to the frame of the golf cart.
●CONTROLLING YOUR DISTANCE. It is obvious lo every golfer that one must know how far they hit each club. Measuring your yardage with a rangefinder, as you practice, at the driving range, should be compulsory.
●MANAGING THE COURSE. Better course management from better, more precise information results in lower scores.




Rhino Golf Laser Rangefinder (Range Finder) | Magnetic golf cart (golfcart) mount | Accurate distance |Pin seeker | Slope mode & Tour mode | Visible slope light | Flag lock with pulse vibration | Measurement mode (yards, meters, feet) | 6 and half times magnification | Accuracy = plus or minus half meter | Light weight | Rechargeable lithium battery | Zippered carrying case with carabiner | One year replacement warranty | User manual and USB cable