
●Squeak Squeak | An interactive rope dog toy packed with loud squeakers that are sure to keep your dog entertained
●Clean Teeth | The fibers of hemp rope act as a natural toothbrush, helping to scrub off the bad stuff. The more they chew, the cleaner their teeth, and the cleaner their teeth, the more they can chew!
●Safer Shedding | Hemp sheds in short fibers that are unlikely to cause harm if ingested and should pass through naturally. We still recommend supervising your dog when they are playing with any toy



A hemp rope toy with loud squeakers inside. Hemps short fibers are great for cleaning dogs teeth, and the squeakers will provide plenty of noisy fun. Hemp is great for the environment too, it grows quickly without the need for pesticides. It grows incredibly dense and tall, freeing up precious arable land for other crops. It needs very little water and returns 60-70% of its nutrients back to the soil.