
●Yant Ha Taew ( yant 5 row )... Row 1. The spell of feng shui, resolve the problem of wrong housing position, as well as protect and turn bad feng shui into better place.
●Row 2. The spells of fortune which will bring up a downfall faith, turn bad luck into good luck
●Row 3. The spell of protection from dark magic, evil spirits, spells from others, ward away dangers
●Row 4. The spell of success, lucky and windfall of wealth and fortune, best trade, good business
●Row 5. That was charming, Metta Maha Saney, Maha Niyom, being love by people all around you.
●Yant Mahaut is Gathering a collection of great spells in the same place. Have Talisman character spell Worship 4 elemental Earth Water Wind Fire Talisman character spell Worship Buddha 5 Talisman character spell Worship Phra 3 R?tntr?y Talisman character spell Worship The worship of the Lord Buddha
●Yant Mahaut Talisman Protection Life elude dangers


MiracleTH6395 Thai 2 Pcs Gold Sheet Yant 5 Row & Mahaut Amulet Talisman Charm Power Wealth Luck Money Fortune Protection Life elude dangers Evil Spirit Blessing by Lp Dam.... Yant Ha Taew ( yant 5 row ).. Row 1. The spell of feng shui, resolve the problem of wrong housing position, as well as protect and turn bad feng shui into better place. Row 2. The spells of fortune which will bring up a downfall faith, turn bad luck into good luck Row 3. The spell of protection from dark magic, evil spirits, spells from others, ward away dangers Row 4. The spell of success, lucky and windfall of wealth and fortune, best trade, good business Row 5. That was charming, Metta Maha Saney, Maha Niyom, being love by people all around you... Yant Mahaut means Great Yant Mahaut is Gathering a collection of great spells in the same place. Have Talisman character spell Worship 4 elemental Earth Water Wind Fire Talisman character spell Worship Buddha 5 Talisman character spell Worship Phra 3 R?tntr?y. Talisman character spell Worship The worship of the Lord Buddha . Yant Mahaut Talisman Protection Life elude dangers. The best thing will come into your life if you believe in Thai amulets. Just believe and pray. Great business, weath work out as expected. Shields from destructive things.Help make exchange flourishing, rich. Included power and distinction.Help with appeal. It is cherished by everybody. Get the parchment position to work, flourishing.Achievement , Get fortunate. On the off chance that you have confidence and accept. Thai Amulet will make every one of your desires for rich great heath,You must have...