Feature(may vary by option.)

●Strongest Line, Battery and Solar Operated Chargers Built in the USA - 40 acres - 5 miles of protection
●Strongest Lightning Protection in the World
●Best Quality Parts Available Worldwide
●Price/Performance - Beats New Zealand Imports
●Built in the U.S.A. / Unsurpassed Animal Holding Power

[20 Joule]

[2.5 Joule]

[5 Joule]

[12 Joule]

[1.5 Joule]

[8 Joule]

[30 Joule]


All Taylor Fence models output a wide pulse which puts the hurt in the pulse which gets and keeps the respect of the animals. The Taylor Fence lab has the ability to calculate stored or output joules for any model. They will gladly test any unit for comparison. Dont be fooled by mileage ratings which are just an approximation of power but go by the electric Joule power rating. Through their commitment, experience, and expertise, Taylor Fence has established a business relationship with their customers that will last a lifetime!