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Peargirl Knits. The Enchanted Arrows circling this hat receive their magic from the bolts of lightning zigzagging their way down from the crown. I fell in love with a cowl design from Madeline Tosh called Arrow that I saw on Ravelry. I envisioned a hat, with the arrows getting smaller and smaller while shaping the crown. As the lines got closer together and the arrows got smaller, the result was lightning bolts and enchanted arrows. Materials : DK weight Self-striping and/or solid colors Needles ? You will need one 16” 3.75 mm (#5 US) circular needle, and one 16” 4.25 mm (#6 US) circular needle and one set of 4 or 5 double point needles in largest size, or appropriate size to achieve gauge. Tapestry needle for weaving in ends Stitch Marker Gauge : 22 sts to 4” in stockinette stitch, using size 4.25 mm (#6 US) needles in the round, or size to achieve gauge. Size : Small ~ 19?21”, (Large ~ 21?23”) head circumference.